Travels #1
2016 to Present
I am now on a different journey with my life and with my website.
Being a volunteer and naturalist are experiences I can never replace or forget. It is because of these experiences that I have a new understanding and appreciation for our natural world. Being retired and getting an RV (recreational vehicle) has also opened up new opportunities and freedoms to explore more than ever before.
Here are a few of the places we have been the past two years. More to come!Fall & Winter 2016 - California to Florida
We decided to begin our retirement as full-time RVers by spending four months at one of our very favorite vacation spots, Florida. We loaded food and necessities - and actually our whole life - and headed out, hoping that our lovely new home would make it without any "issues". Fortunately we were well prepared and everything was in good shape. However the weather and wind were sometimes a challenge. This was our first time towing a car. That went well. We didn't hit any gas pumps when stopping to refuel, thank goodness! Texas appeared to have no speed limit, as folks were passing us as if we were standing still.
We stayed at some really nice RV parks in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The "we" includes me, my partner, our two dogs and one cat! We "humans" participated as vendors at the Rio Grande Birding Festival in Texas. Met some really great people, sold some nature photo lens cloths, and ended up extending our stay by two weeks. During that time we visited the following places: